Only 6 Days Until Sunny Co's Next Free Swimsuit Give Away!!!!

Background: On May 2 of 2017 Sunny Co ran a swimsuit giveaway on Instagram. For those that don't remember, the giveaway consisted of reposting a girl sitting by the pool in a red Pamela suit. The picture went VIRAL and was reposted over 1.6 million times. At the time, Sunny Co couldn't keep up with the demand and we only were able to give out 50,000 suits.
Fast forward to today May 1, 2019
(6 days away from May 7th,2019)
You have waited long enough… the time has come 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
On MAY 7th, 2019 Sunny Co will run the same Instagram giveaway as they did in 2017!😮 HOWEVER, this time will be different. Everyone who wants to buy and receive a free Sunny Co bathing suit will be able to do so. NO ONE WILL BE LEFT WITHOUT A FREE SUIT THIS TIME (Ohana means family, which means nobody gets left behind) because there will be no capping of the promotion. The Sunny Co manufacturer is prepared and ready to make 1 million suits if need be. No matter how long it takes everyone will get their suits.
And guess what? This time, Sunny Co remade the suit to fit almost ALL body types!
1. At 12 PM PST we will post the photo on our the @sunnycoclothing Instagram.
2. Anyone who wants a free suit will then re-post the same picture or they can re-post the original photo from 2017.
3. Sunny Co will then individually send each person the code to get a FREE suit!
Part of the reason Sunny Co has been so successful is because of their very loyal ambassador group. Believe it or not, they only had 70 ambassadors when they started in 2017. Today they have more than 40,000! Some of the perks of being an ambassador include getting discounts, access to all new swimsuit lines before the public AND access to a community of supportive women from around the world! If you are interested in becoming a Sunny Co Ambassador CLICK HERE to apply!
So get ready to see a lot of red swimsuits on Instagram because Sunny Co is going viral again! Only this time they will be more prepared!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Lacey Horner said:
All the swim suits are really cute!!!